Foundations of Academic Literacy: How to Write an Excellent Book Review
Eastern European Institute of Theology continues the series of seminars "Foundations of Academic Literacy for Authors of Scholarly Articles". The third seminar will take place on November 11 at 12 pm (Kyiv time) (zoom).
The purpose of this workshop is to hear insights from the perspective of editing an international journal across languages and cultures. There will be a particular emphasis on the importance of providing high quality book reviews. What principles should be observed?
Speaker - Clive Pearson, Editor-in-Chief, International Journal of Public Theology. Ukrainian translation will be provided.
Clive Pearson, Editor-in-Chief, International Journal of Public Theology; Executive, Global Network of Public Theology; Former Principal, United Theological College, Sydney (Australia); Former Head of School, School of Theology, Charles Sturt University, Australia; Senior Researcher CRES (Centre for Religion, Ethics and Society), Charles Sturt University.
To participate in the seminar, please fill out the registration form:
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