Theological Reflections

Eastern European Journal of Theology

Theological Reflections: Eastern European Journal of Theology (beginning in 2003) publishes scholarly articles by authors in the evangelical tradition for the purpose of supporting the development of evangelical theology in the Eastern Europe and acquainting the contemporary Christian world with Eastern-European theological thought. Its target is researchers, theologians, religious scholars, teachers, and students of evangelical theological colleges, seminaries, and theological faculties, as well as church leaders. The journal is intended to attract authors from different theological traditions. The editorial board consists of national and international experts in various fields of theology.

The journal is published twice a year and consists of 250-300 pages. Theological Reflections covers the following areas of theology: biblical studies, systematic theology, the theology of missions, counseling, practical theology, liturgy, church administration, the history of the national evangelical movement, etc.

During the entire period of the journal's existence, thirty issues have appeared (25 periodicals and 5 special issues).

Журнал зареєстрований та індексований у міжнародних каталогах та базах даних: Google Scholar, Index Copernicus, CrossRef, General Impact Factor, ATLA Religion Database (American Theological Library Association RDB), BASE (Bielefeld Academic Search Engine), Database WorldCat, EZB (Electronic Journals Library).

Recent Issues

The Sacred and the Secular in the Theopolitical Reference Frame of Central and Eastern Europe

22.1 (2024)

Regular Issue

21.1 (2023)

Theology of the Other under Pressure of the Empire

20.2 (2022)

The Communion of Saints: Biblical, Theological and Contemporary Perspectives

20.1 (2022)