Foundations of Academic Literacy. Publishing your Thesis: Working well with Publishers
June 15, 2023
Eastern European Institute of Theology continues the series of seminars "Foundations of Academic Literacy for Authors of Scholarly Articles". The 5th seminar will take place on June 15 at 5 pm (Kyiv time) (Zoom).
Speaker - Dr. David Firth, general editor of the Tyndale Old Testament Commentary. He serves on the international advisory board for the journal Old Testament Essays.

Dr. David Firth is a Tutor in Old Testament at Trinity College. He is general editor of the Tyndale Old Testament Commentary, and serves on the international advisory board for the journal Old Testament Essays. David has a wide range of ministry experience, having served as a pastor in Australia as well as spending a number of years working in Zimbabwe and South Africa. He also taught Old Testament at Cliff College and St John’s School of Mission in the UK.
To participate in the seminar, please fill out the registration form: here.
Ukrainian translation will be provided.
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