Fedir Stryzhachuk
Senior Research Fellow
Main research interests: trinitarian theology.
Dr. Fedir Stryzhachuk specializes in systematic and philosophical theology. Now he is accomplishing research in contemporary trinitarian theology. The main lines of investigation are going through the renaissance of the doctrine of the Trinity in 20th-century theology. He explores the way from the rebirth of Trinitarian theology in the theology of Karl Barth and Karl Rahner through the flourishing of the doctrine of the Trinity in the thought of Jurgen Moltmann, Wolfhart Pannenberg, Robert Jenson, Catherine M. LaCugna and to the application of trinitarian thinking in ecclesiology, worship, mission and other arias of Christian life and ministry. Prior to doing this broad investigation in trinitarian theology, he earned a Ph.D. in theology from National Pedagogical Dragomanov University (2018) for his research in philosophical theology of Richard Swinburne, his pure and ramified theism.
“Main motives of trinitarian theology of Jurgen Moltmann.” Bulletin of the Lviv University. Philosophical Series – political studies. 2018. Issue 20, p. 94-100.
“Trinitarian history as a source for the doctrine of the Trinity of Jurgen Moltmann.” Gileya: Scientific bulletin. 2018. Issue 137. Pp. 170-173.
“The Doctrine of the Trinity in Jurgen Moltmann’s theology.” Gileya: Scientific bulletin. 2018. Issue. 138 (2). Pp. 32-35.
“The Doctrine of the Trinity in the Age of the Magister Protestant Reformation.” Gilea: Scientific bulletin. – Kyiv. Gilea Publishing House, 2019. – Issue. 147 (No. 8), Part 2. Philosophical Sciences. Pp. 57-160.
“Trinitarian terminology in contemporary theology.” Scientific Bulletin of Ukraine. Series: Humanities Studies № 295 (2018). Pp. 95-101.
“Trinitarian theology of Katherine Mauri LaCugna.” Scientific journal of National Pedagogical Dragomanov University. Series 7. Religious Studies. Cultural Studies. Philosophy. [coll. Scientific Works]. Issue. 40 (53). Pp. 77-85.
“The Doctrine of the Trinity of F. Schleiermacher.” Bulletin of the Lviv University. Series of philosophical and political studies. 2019. Issue 23. Pp. 100-106.
“The Uniqueness of the Trinity in Interreligious Space.” Gilea: Scientific bulletin. 2019. Issue 143 (2). Pp. 157-161.
“The phenomenon of “oblivion of the Trinity” in the contemporary Christian church.” Practical Philosophy No. 1 (No. 71) 2019. Pp. 176-180.
“Trinitarian revelation in the theology of Karl Bart.” Bulletin of the Lviv University. Series of the philosophical and political studio. 2019. Issue 25, Pp. 78-84.
“Analytic philosophy of religion in 20th century: stages of development.” Philosophy and political science in the context of contemporary culture. 2017. No 3. Pp. 93-101.
“Apologetic potential of philosophical theism of Richard Swinburne.” Gilea: Scientific review. 2017. Pp. 223-227.
“Coherent concept of God in philosophical theism of Richard Swinburne.” Actual problems of philosophy and sociology. 2017. No 19. Pp. 120-123.
“Problem of evil in philosophical theism of Richard Swinburne.” Practical Philosophy. – 2017. No 3. Pp. 10-20.
“Ramified theism of Richard Swinburne: the doctrine of the Triune God.” Practical Philosophy. 2017. No 4. Pp. 10-20.