Release of the New Book Renaissance of the Doctrine of the Trinity in the 20th-Century Theology

The Eastern European Institute of Theology, in partnership with the Odesa Theological Seminary and the Dukh i Litera Publishing House, published the book Renaissance of the Doctrine of the Trinity in the 20th-Century Theology by Ukrainian protestant theologian Fedir Stryzhachuk.
This monograph is the first in Ukraine to provide a comprehensive analysis of the phenomenon of the "revival of the Trinity doctrine" in Western theology. The study reveals that the doctrine of the Trinity is key to the Christian faith. Having been established in the Patristic period, it went through a gradual decline that reached its lowest point in the 19th century. The 20th century saw a renaissance of the doctrine of the Trinity, initiated by K. Barth and K. Rahner. The development of the doctrine of the Trinity in the theology of J. Moltmann, W. Pannenberg, R. Jenson, I. Ziziulas, and others in the second half of the 20th century was the pinnacle of its revival. The renaissance of Trinitarianism has become not only an asset to the speculative doctrine of God, but also a paradigm for all areas of applied theology and Christian practice, including ecclesiology, political theory, worship, and mission. The book is intended for theologians, philosophers, religious scholars, and clergy.
The book “Renaissance of the Doctrine of the Trinity in the 20th-Century Theology” is part of the series "Contemporary Protestant Theology", published in partnership with the Dukh i Litera Publishing House and the Eastern European Institute of Theology. The series includes works by world and local theologians, primarily of the Protestant tradition.
You can order this book here.