
Series of Testimonies

The Russia-Ukraine War: Evangelical Voices

Проект ініціює серію подій, які є спробою озвучити біль українського народу та закликати світове християнство до допомоги, відстоювання та підтримки всіма можливими засобами.

About project


Contemporary Protestant Theology

Contemporary Protestant Theology includes works of international and national theologians, primarily of the Protestant tradition. The series is published through the collaboration of Spirit and Letter Publishing, the Eastern European Institute of Theology, and the Euro-Asian Accrediting Association.

About project

Theologia Evangelica in Via

The series consists of publications that contain a systematic and adapted presentation of the main theological disciplines, describe their conceptual foundations, historical development, and current state, as well as demonstrate relevance for church and social life in the Eastern European context. The series is designed for teachers and students of educational institutions, all who are interested in current theological problems.

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Online Project

Summer School of Theology

The Summer School of Theology aims to create a platform for non-formal theological education that would consolidate an academic community in hopes that such a community would be capable of critically, productively, and creatively reflecting on the challenges of our present day and laying the foundations for a quality future, both at national and global levels.

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Theological Reflections: Eastern European Journal of Theology

Theological Reflections: Eastern European Journal of Theology is a peer-reviewed, open-access scholarly journal that aims to establish itself as an open platform for discussing diverse theological issues, primarily in the context of the Evangelical-Protestant tradition.

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Religion and Science

The project aims at sharing of knowledge, developing new strategies of attaining an encounter, mutual understanding, and fruitful dialogue between religion and science through an array of activities in Ukraine n different levels, and will be involving school teachers, scientists, academic theologians and philosophers from three major traditions of Christianity in Ukraine: Orthodox, Catholic and Protestant.

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