Roman Soloviy
Main research interests: contemporary Protestant theology, continental philosophy of religion and postmodern Christianity.
Scopus Author ID: 57219449607
Web of Science Researcher ID: AAV-7824-2020
In 1996 Roman Soloviy graduated from the Ivan Franko Lviv National University, majoring in History of Ukraine. In 2000 he defended Ph.D. thesis on "Confessional and cultural-educational activity of the Ukrainian Evangelical-Reformed Church in the Western Ukraine (1925-1939)" and received a Ph.D. degree in religious studies. April 28, 2017, he defended dissertation for the Dr. Hab. degree in Theology.
From 2015 to the present he serves as the editor-in-chief of Euro-Asian Journal of Theology: Theological Reflections. Since 2018 he is a Chief Editor of Book Series Contemporary Protestant Theology(with Spirit and Letter).
Since 2017 Roman Soloviy is Deputy Chairman of the Specialized Academic Council at Dragomanova National Pedagogical University. Since 2019 - Member of the Fellowship of European Evangelical Theologians.
Since 2017 he is a member of the Ukrainian Christian Academic Society (UCAS).
Since 2019 - a member of the Executive Board of the Fellowship of European Evangelical Theologians.
Under Dr. Soloviy supervision were defended two Dr. Hab. dissertations in theology: Sergiy Sannikov, The phenomenon of water baptism in the context of modern Baptist sacramentology(2018), Mykhaylo Mokienko, Pentecostalism: Features of Theological and Social Identification(2018), as well as one PhD dissertation for the: Anatoliy Denysenko, Liberation Theology: Critical Analysis(2019).
The Phenomenon of the Emerging Church in the Context of Theological and Ecclesiological Transformations in Contemporary Western Protestantism (Kyiv: Dukh i Litera, 2016).
“Reception of Paul Ricœur's Ideas of ‘Hermeneutics of Suspicion’ in the Merold Westphal’s Philosophy of the Religion.” Sententiae 29 (2013): 91-100.
“John Caputo's Post-Metaphysical Theology of Event.” Skhid 136 (2015): 66-75.“The concept of ontotheology in Kant and Heidegger and the possibility of religion: contemporary protestant interpretation.” KazNU Bulletin. Philosophy series. Cultural science series. Political science series 55 (2016): 273-280.
“Virtue, character, and community: the peculiarities of theological ethics of Stanley Hauerwas.” Актуальні проблеми філософії та соціології 10 (2016): 141-144.
“Western Protestantism in the Postmodern Context: Theological and Sociological Interpretations of the Emerging Church Movement.” Ukrainian Religious Studies. Current religious problems 77 (2016): 82-88.
“The Challenge of Postmodernism to Christian theology: Methodological and Radical Strategies of Engagement.” Theological Reflections. Special issue “Reformation: East-European Dimensions” (2016) 222-233.
“John Caputo’s Teopoetics and Theopolitics.” Scientific Yearbook of the Institute of Philosophy and Law of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences V.17, N. 3(2017): 7–21.
Християнська традиція у світлі пророчої філософії релігії. Meeting the Mystery: a Collection of Articles in Honor of the Seventieth Anniversary of S. Sannikov / за ред. О. Гейченко, Т. Дятлик, М. Рейбер, Дж. Т. Серль, Р. Соловій. Рівне, 2020. С. 174-185.
“‘Messianicity without Messianism’: to the Place of Religion in the Philosophy of Jacques Derrida.” Changing Societies and Personalities. Vol. 4, No. 2 (2020):158–171.
“The Challenges of Radical Hospitality for Evangelical Public Theology: The Ukrainian Case.” International Journal of Public Theology. 14 (2020): 276-295.
“Pentecostalism in Western Ukraine: Historical Development and Current Theological Challenges.” Occasional Papers on Religion in Eastern Europe. Vol. 40: Iss. 7 (2020), Article 7.
“Християнське свідчення у світі постправди.” Богомыслие: литеатурно-богословский альманах. Vol. 29 (2021): 8-17.