Call for Papers: Hospitality in a World of Diversity
Dear colleagues, Theological Reflections: Euro-Asian Journal of Theology invites submissions to the journal's special issue on the theme: Hospitality in a World of Diversity.

This special issue will include articles that consider the peculiarities of the church's life in a world of globalization and diversity. Due to migration, the flow of refugees, and the influence of social networks, foreign cultures, unfamiliar religious traditions, and various forms of social relations cease to be distant and exotic. The distance from the Other is steadily decreasing. Every Other, because of its radical difference, simultaneously attracts and repels, arouses feelings of curiosity and fear, and presents us with the challenge of choosing between hostility and hospitality. Christian communities are also challenged to learn to practice openness and hospitality towards others, to create space for people with other traditions, cultures, and identities. This task becomes acute in a pandemic situation when every Other is a potential threat, and social distancing becomes the norm.
Deadline for submissions: July 15, 2020. Date of publication: November 15, 2020.
Founded in 2003, Theological Reflections, a publication of the Eastern-European Institute of Theology and the Euro-Asian Accrediting Association, is a peer-reviewed, open access scholarly journal that aims to establish itself as an open platform for discussing diverse theological issues, primarily in the context of the Evangelical-Protestant tradition. The journal publishes original articles in biblical studies, systematic, historical and practical theology, and related areas of study.
Theological Reflections uses a double-blind review process. The reviewer’s identity is concealed from the author and vice versa, throughout the review process. Articles are examined for plagiarism. All articles receive a DOI - a unique identifier of a digital object that simplifies access to the full text of articles from any publishing platform.
The journal includes the following sections: Articles (presents results of original theological research that corresponds to the priorities of the journal); Reviews (publishes detailed reviews of new books and theological articles); New editions (contains brief descriptions of new books and theological articles); Translations (publishes translations of classical theological texts); Events of scholarly life (reports on theological conferences and seminars). Publication in the journal is free. Articles are published in Ukrainian, English, and Russian. Submitted papers should not be previously published in another journal.
Manuscripts can be submitted electronically via the journal's website Authors must have an account on our website. Instructions for Submissions, Author Guide, and previous issues are available on the website. Should you have any questions, please contact us by e-mail сайті журналу. З усіма питаннями звертайтеся за ел. поштою
Sincerely, Editorial Board of Theological Reflections