Український переклад книги “Розсіяні та зібрані” вже у продажу

Book Presentation "Scattered and Gathered: A Global Compendium of Diaspora Missiology" with Chris Wright

Report on the Work of Humanitarian Hubs "People of the Bridge" for April-August 2024

Seminar "The Role of Christian Churches in Building Resilient Democratic Societies" Is Available to Watch

Open Lecture with Thomas E. Reynolds: Philosophical Resources for Relational Theology of Disability

Open Lecture with Amos Yong: Theological Education by and for the Church in the 2020s

The 35th Methodological Seminar "The Role of Christian Churches in Building Resilient Democratic Societies"

Theological Reflections Invites You to Publish Articles in Issue 23.1 Theology of Memory in the Context of Experiencing Trauma