Partnership, PublicationsJanuary 6, 2025Український переклад книги “Розсіяні та зібрані” вже у продажу
PastDecember 10, 2024Book Presentation "Scattered and Gathered: A Global Compendium of Diaspora Missiology" with Chris Wright
PastApril 24, 2024Presentation of the Book Renaissance of the Doctrine of the Trinity in the 20th-Century Theology
PublicationsMarch 31, 2023Additional Print Run of the Alister McGrath's Book "Christianity's Dangerous Idea"
PastFebruary 7, 2023Presentation of the book The Concept of Tradition in Russian Orthodox Neo-patristic Thought
PastNovember 17, 2022The 30th Methodological Seminar "Security, Violence, and Vulnerability from a Biblical Perspective"