News Education, PartnershipКонкурс на навчання в Бельгії за програмою Erasmus+ 2025Partnership, PublicationsУкраїнський переклад книги “Розсіяні та зібрані” вже у продажуWar in Ukraine, PartnershipReport on the Work of Humanitarian Hubs "People of the Bridge" for April-August 2024War in Ukraine, EducationSeminar "The Role of Christian Churches in Building Resilient Democratic Societies" Is Available to WatchPublicationsTheological Reflections Invites You to Publish Articles in Issue 23.1 Theology of Memory in the Context of Experiencing TraumaPublicationsJournal Theological Reflections Calls for Papers for the Next Issue 22.2 Disability Theology: Eastern European ContextEducationReligion in the Totalitarian Past: A Report from the Seminar and Reflections on the TopicPartnership, PublicationsRelease of the New Book Renaissance of the Doctrine of the Trinity in the 20th-Century TheologyPartnership, PublicationsThe Book “Better than One” in Ukrainian Is Now AvailableProjects, PublicationsPublication of the Ukrainian Translation of the Book "On Being the Church. Revisioning Baptist Identity"EducationThe First Lectures from the Summer School of Theology 2023 Are Now Available to WatchEducationThe Seventh Academic Literacy Seminar "How to Turn Your Dissertation into a Book for a Broad Audience" Was HeldWar in Ukraine, PartnershipTheology in Action: 690 Days of MinistryWar in Ukraine, PartnershipКоординаційна зустріч для підтримки і реабілітації постраждалих від війниResearch, PublicationsNew Issue of Eastern European Journal of Theology 21.2 (2023)PublicationsJournal Theological Reflections Invites Submission to the Next Issue 22.1 EducationСІТ оголошує конкурс на навчання в Бельгії за програмою Erasmus+War in Ukraine, PartnershipTaras Dyatlik On The Ministry of Seminaries and Partner Organizations during the Russian-Ukrainian WarPublicationsSecond Volume of Signs of the Presence Is Now AvailableEducationThe Sixth Seminar for Authors of Theological Texts "Writing a Book Proposal to Present to a Publishing House" Was HeldWar in Ukraine, Education, PartnershipTraining “Overcoming Trauma” is now available in Ukrainian Sign LanguageEducation, ProjectsThe Session of the Summer School of Theology 2023 Came to an End PublicationsNew Issue of Eastern European Journal of Theology 21.1 (2023)Education, ProjectsLectures from the Summer School of Theology 2022 Are Now Available to WatchPublicationsJournal Theological Reflections invites submission to the Next Issue 21.2Education, ProjectsRegistration for the Summer School of Theology 2023 is OpenEducationThe Fifth Seminar for Authors of Theological Texts “Publishing Your Thesis: Working Well with Publishers” Was HeldEducationThe 32nd Methodological Seminar "Language of the Bible: War and Peace" Took PlaceWar in Ukraine, PartnershipJoshua Searle and Dnipro Hope Mission About Their Trip to UkrainePublicationsAdditional Print Run of the Alister McGrath's Book "Christianity's Dangerous Idea"EducationThe fourth Seminar of Foundations of Academic Literacy took placeEducationThe 31st Methodological Seminar "Biblical Theology of Reconciliation and Restorative Justice" took placeWar in Ukraine, EducationTraining "Overcoming Trauma: Support for People with Limb Loss Caused by the War" took placePublicationsJournal Theological Reflections invites submission to the Next Issue 21.1PublicationsPublication of the Ukrainian translation of the book "Tackling Trauma: Global, Biblical and Pastoral Perspectives"PublicationsNew Issue of Theological Reflections 20.2 "Theology of the Other under Pressure of the Empire"EducationThe 30th Methodological Seminar "Security, Violence, and Vulnerability from a Biblical Perspective" took placeWar in Ukraine, PartnershipBreaking Through the Sound of Air Raid Sirens: Appeal of the Representatives of Ukrainian Evangelical Theological Educational InstitutionsEducationThe Quality of a Journal can be Reflected in the Quality of the Book ReviewsEducationThe 29th Methodological Seminar "Historical and Contemporary Approaches to War and Peace in Christianity" took placePublications"The Communion of Saints: Biblical, Theological and Contemporary Perspectives" - a New Issue of Theological Reflections 20.1Education, ProjectsThe Summer School of Theology united prominent philosophers and theologians in support of UkraineEducationDon’t respond to a philosopher with a Bible textEducation, PartnershipSummer School of Interconfessional Dialogue for seminariansPartnershipFrom ScholarLeaders International and United World MissionEducationThe Foundations of Our Academic Life Must be Put in OrderPublicationsJournal 'Theological Reflections' is indexed by DOAJEducationThe 27th methodological seminar "Bible and Social Justice"Publications"Continental Philosophy for Eastern Evangelical Theology" - a New Issue of Theological ReflectionsResearchCongratulations to Kseniia Trofymchuk, who successfully defended a dissertation for Doctor of Philosophy in TheologyProjectsThe School of Peacebuilding brought together representatives of various Christian denominations and the public sectorPublicationsCall for papers: "The Communion of Saints: Biblical, Theological And Contemporary Perspectives"ProjectsPublic activists are invited to the Peacebuilding SchoolEducationInterdisciplinary seminar "Religion and Science"ResearchInternational Theological Conference "Religion and Science: From Opposition to Complementarity"ProjectsDebate of Richard Dawkins and Rowan Williams in Ukrainian translationResearchCongratulations to Eduard Sablon Leiva on successfully defending his dissertationResearchCongratulations to Fedir Stryzhachuk on successfully defending his dissertationPublicationsMeeting the Mystery: a Collection of Articles in Honor of the Seventieth Anniversary of S. SannikovResearchInternational theological on-line conference: "Eschatological Community: Faith, Ministry, and Prophetic Witness in a Changing World"Education"Transfiguration: Biblical Narrative and Renewal of Creation"Education20th Methodological seminar (with Oleg Davydov)PublicationsCall for Papers: Hospitality in a World of DiversityPublicationsNew issue of Theological Reflections was publishedPublicationsThe book "Theology in the Post-Christian World" has been publishedEducation19th Methodological seminar (with Olexander Filonenko)Education18th Methodological seminarEducation17th Methodological seminarEducationHospitality of the Incarnation. Is Christ the Lord, the Guest or the Stranger?Education16th Methodological seminar
War in Ukraine, PartnershipReport on the Work of Humanitarian Hubs "People of the Bridge" for April-August 2024
War in Ukraine, EducationSeminar "The Role of Christian Churches in Building Resilient Democratic Societies" Is Available to Watch
PublicationsTheological Reflections Invites You to Publish Articles in Issue 23.1 Theology of Memory in the Context of Experiencing Trauma
PublicationsJournal Theological Reflections Calls for Papers for the Next Issue 22.2 Disability Theology: Eastern European Context
Partnership, PublicationsRelease of the New Book Renaissance of the Doctrine of the Trinity in the 20th-Century Theology
Projects, PublicationsPublication of the Ukrainian Translation of the Book "On Being the Church. Revisioning Baptist Identity"
EducationThe Seventh Academic Literacy Seminar "How to Turn Your Dissertation into a Book for a Broad Audience" Was Held
War in Ukraine, PartnershipTaras Dyatlik On The Ministry of Seminaries and Partner Organizations during the Russian-Ukrainian War
EducationThe Sixth Seminar for Authors of Theological Texts "Writing a Book Proposal to Present to a Publishing House" Was Held
War in Ukraine, Education, PartnershipTraining “Overcoming Trauma” is now available in Ukrainian Sign Language
EducationThe Fifth Seminar for Authors of Theological Texts “Publishing Your Thesis: Working Well with Publishers” Was Held
EducationThe 31st Methodological Seminar "Biblical Theology of Reconciliation and Restorative Justice" took place
War in Ukraine, EducationTraining "Overcoming Trauma: Support for People with Limb Loss Caused by the War" took place
PublicationsPublication of the Ukrainian translation of the book "Tackling Trauma: Global, Biblical and Pastoral Perspectives"
PublicationsNew Issue of Theological Reflections 20.2 "Theology of the Other under Pressure of the Empire"
EducationThe 30th Methodological Seminar "Security, Violence, and Vulnerability from a Biblical Perspective" took place
War in Ukraine, PartnershipBreaking Through the Sound of Air Raid Sirens: Appeal of the Representatives of Ukrainian Evangelical Theological Educational Institutions
EducationThe 29th Methodological Seminar "Historical and Contemporary Approaches to War and Peace in Christianity" took place
Publications"The Communion of Saints: Biblical, Theological and Contemporary Perspectives" - a New Issue of Theological Reflections 20.1
Education, ProjectsThe Summer School of Theology united prominent philosophers and theologians in support of Ukraine
Publications"Continental Philosophy for Eastern Evangelical Theology" - a New Issue of Theological Reflections
ResearchCongratulations to Kseniia Trofymchuk, who successfully defended a dissertation for Doctor of Philosophy in Theology
ProjectsThe School of Peacebuilding brought together representatives of various Christian denominations and the public sector
PublicationsCall for papers: "The Communion of Saints: Biblical, Theological And Contemporary Perspectives"
ResearchInternational Theological Conference "Religion and Science: From Opposition to Complementarity"
PublicationsMeeting the Mystery: a Collection of Articles in Honor of the Seventieth Anniversary of S. Sannikov
ResearchInternational theological on-line conference: "Eschatological Community: Faith, Ministry, and Prophetic Witness in a Changing World"